Trauma-Informed Services Assessment Survey (TISAS)©

Center for Social Work

"People start to heal the moment they feel heard."
- Cheryl Richardson

The TISAS© is an instrument developed to  assess trauma-informed practices in your organization. Completing the TISAS© will help you gain valuable insight into your organization’s application of and commitment to trauma-informed practices. You may use the results to examine your organizational strengths, needs, and changes over time (with repeated application). And taking the survey is free!

Want to know more? What does the TISAS© provide?

The TISAS© will provide you with data that not only tells you “Where you are” with trauma-informed practices, but results are useful for establishing organizational priorities, and for comparing changes over time and across organizations. It may also show where differences appear among staff and their understanding of how Trauma-informed care (TIC) is applied at your organization (if many staff complete the survey). Among the ways it may help:

  • Results at a point in time: Specifically, the TISAS© provides quantitative data on characteristics associated with effective trauma-informed practices. Based on question responses, data are provided to your organization on five critical domains of trauma-informed care (TIC) practices. The domains include Staff Support, Environmental Safety and Support, Assessment and Planning Services, Consumer Involvement, and Organizational Policy Processes. Each domain is comprised of several subscales. And with assessments of other critical TIC concepts included, you receive a full picture of your organization.
  • Comparisons with other organizations: Results from your assessment are reported with comparative data across organizational sectors. This will help your organization see how it compares to other, similar organizations.
  • Comparisons across time: You may want to repeat the survey at regular intervals. This will show changes over time. Such data will assist you to identify both needed changes as well as how those changes you have made may have affected the organization.
  • Comparisons among staff: In addition, if multiple persons within your organization complete the TISAS© (recommended), important differences within the organization can be identified. These differences are often “unseen” but may greatly affect organizational outcomes and staff & client satisfaction with the organization.

Who should complete the Assessment?

Any human services, educational, governmental, or health organization that is interested in trauma-informed practices is invited to participate.

Who operates the TISAS©?

The TISAS© is a project of faculty members at the Center for Social Work at Widener University. Funding for the project came from a grant from the United Way of Southeast Pennsylvania and New Jersey.